Best Programming Languages To learn In 2021

 Best programming language to learn in 2021 for better jobs and future.

New to programming and dont know where to start ? What programming language should i learn first? What programming language have better jobs in future or which is more useful in future ? 

There are over 600 languages to select. But we are not going to search everything, we are going to look at only those which are best and suited better for you.

What are programming languages?

If you want to learn programming then you first need to know what are programming languages. Then select the programming language on the side of your interest.

Programming languages are tools used to write or give instructions to the computer to do any soort of work and that sort of work depends on your language. For example if you want a well looking web page you need to learn html and css but if your web page want to do more process than it looks then you need to learn php.

We will look at which programming language is best suited for you and you need to learn it.

What programming language should you learn ?

There are many ways to select the programming language you should learn. The first method is to choose the programming language from your goal. Like selecting html and css if you want to become a front end web developer or selecting php, python or javascript if you want to become a backend web developer.

The other method is to choose the programming language which is most in demant or popular in the industry currently like python in 2020 and it will be untill other language becomes popular.

Popular programming languages to choose to learn?

If  you want to pursue a career in programming  , I would recommend to start with the main languages which are very basic. They are in a high demand in tech industry. There is a list of the mainstream programming languages you want to learn. By learning them you can get a entry level jobs at tech industries.

Here is the list of some most popular programming languages, Check these out if you want to start a career in programming .

This is not in any order of competation  i have just put them in a random order:


Python is a entry level general purpose language. It is user friendly that you can learn it easily with some online courses. Python has a vast amount of libraries for learning. Python has played an important role in machine learning and web development with framework like flask and django.

You can learn this if you have interest in data visualization using the matplotlib library in python. It is also useful in automating jobs in chrome like using selenium and some other libraries.


C++ is a powerful all purpose programming language, this language is the basic for mostly all languages. You can use this language to create any application in any type of environment. Even the basic foundation of microsoft windows opreating system was written in C++.

You can use c++ to create heavy tasking applications like web browsers , cloud computing , robotice like arduino programming , game development. This programming language supports cross platform support.


C# is also known as microsoft's programming language. It is also one of the popular languages used. It  is mostly known for having a large collection of libraried for use. This can be used to develop for windows , linux, even android.

This language is mostly used by game developers and mobile app creators. This programming language is also been implemented in enterprise software like Microsoft Azure and IoT.

If you have interest in game development or design You will mostly likely to use tools like unity or unreal engine. So these use C# for game development and its worth learning it.


Javascript is also known as a dynamic programming language. It is mostly used in creating user friendly websites that have interactive designs and can interact  with the user and give a dynamic view. It allows the developers to insert animated elements on their website to attract users.

If you are intrested in web development it a big use in improving your web site look by learning this language.


Ruby is a general purpose, dynamic programming language, most popularly implemented with Ruby on Rails framework. Its make it a server side framework and for providing users a great features, it is an object oriented language.

As it was a backend language but it was designed readable by not only machines also people. Ruby had been helped with Twitter , GitHub and some software it helped.

And lastly i have not added HTML because html is not a programming language it is a markup language. It is also a vary bit use in learning it as you can change the webpages to your interest by editing the html in that page after learning. Its just a fun and it not so hard to learn that.

Final Taughts,

If you have set your mind in programming as a profession then you must be ready to learn new languages as there are many new programming languages introduced every time and by time some looses its popularity and some gains the popularity.

Most companies change their language to the most popular and the latest one. So be ready to spend time and update yourself frequently.....
