Enabling remote desktop in Raspberry pi

It was a big problem for me to set up each time by connecting cables and attacments to the pi for every time using it . So they gave a way for us to remotely use the desktop.
With just some easy steps we can configure our raspberry pi for remote desktop usage.
By gaining access into the raspi-configuration we can change:

For that open the terminal and enter "sudo raspi-config" :
after that it ill take you into a executer like shown below:
go to interfacing options and enable ssh and vnc:

After enabling them u can download the vnc viewer in your main computer: 

This is the link to download vnc viewer:
and install the application for your computer .

open your viewer and then type the ip address of your raspberry pi in the network:

you must enter your username and password of raspberry pi:

after entering all the credentials you will get access to your raspberry pi.

Thank you guys
