TOP ESSENTAL SKILLS REQUIRED FOR IOT DEVELOPER IOT is easily one of the hottest new technologies in the Tech community. With an almost unlimited number of applications, this piece of tech, although in its infancy, has already seen massive adoptions in smart cities, smart homes, futuristic cars without drivers, gadgets, etc. Each device, be it a tiny sensor, with the help of internet, forms a large and intricate network, whilst simultaneously exchanging data in real time. By the end of 2021, there will be more than thrice the number of IOT devices than that of the population of the world. The demand for skilled IOT engineers has never been higher and it is estimated to have sharp increase in the next couple years. WHO IS AN IOT ENGINEER? An IOT engineer is someone who can develop, manage as well as monitor an array of IOT devices, and systems by combining three main elements: DATA TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH Certain IOT engineer skills need to be mastered for any person who wished to...